While Montana is his home, Mr. Restad loved getting out to attend college out West. He ran cross country, ran a student literary magazine, and generally loved living, learning and working at this university.
Use the pictures below to decipher what was the team name for the college that attended Mr. Restad's a for his undergraduate degree?
Chasing Fish
If he's not hanging out with his adorable daughter, you can find Mr. Restad standing waist deep in one of Montana's wonderful bodies of water. The river in the images below is one of his favorites.
What is this river's name?
Mr. Restad's favorite book is not exactly a one-hit wonder, but the author was occasionally asked why he had never written anything else as good as this famous first novel. His reply?: “Who has?” This book was the origin of a term that means a situation where there is no escape or right answer due to conflicting criteia.
There has been a few film adaptations, but nothing has lived up to the hilarity, tragedy, and complexity of this world war two novel. Below is a screenshot of a recent Hulu production of the book.
What is the name of his favorite book?
Mr. Restad was lucky enough to be able to live and go to school in Ireland for a semester. Being the literature nerd he is, he made a pilgrimage to a small Irish town in the North to visit the grave of a famous Irish Poet.