English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Practiced the Quizlet set posted on Google Classroom: ACT English Practice Terms. Be sure to follow directions posted in Google Classroom to complete the assignment.
Started looking at Research Projects. Have a topic in mind by next Wednesday.
Took ACT Mini-Practice Test #1 + Reflection
Went through the Joining Sentences Assignment on Google Classroom. Check out this document as a resource. Took notes on rules #6-10 of the ACT Preview Notes linked below:
Also, we took notes on rules #1-5 of the ACT Preview Notes linked below: Socratic Seminar Discussion. Thanks for everyone participating! If you were gone today, you'll have to make up at least the listening portion of our speaking and listening requirement. Watch the following video, take notes, and write a one paragraph reflecting on the video and connecting it to The Crucible. Worked on discussion prep for Socratic Seminar tomorrow. See yesterday for instructions.
Finished any outstanding assignments for the Crucible. Reviewed assessments. EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY - DUE NEXT THURSDAY Film Analysis Presentation Prepped for In-Class Discussion. MUST BE PREPARED BY START OF CLASS WEDNESDAY BIG QUESTION How does a society balance collective security and individual freedoms. How should a society respond when threats (real and imagined) to those arise? Prep
Discussed McCarthyism Watch the video below and take notes on the following...
Have at least two bullet points in each. Check out the example below. Finished watching act 4 of the Crucible:
Password to access movie files is mrrestad Discussed ending. No homework! Just be sure you have watched the play if you were absent.
Welcome back from the long weekend. Today we looked at different cuts and transitions as part of our film study. See the slide show below.
Hope you enjoyed Act 3 this weekend. Assignments on Google Classroom: all three must be completed before you take the ACT 3 Assessment
Read Act 3 in class
HOMEWORK! Watch act 3 of the Crucible over the long weekend Password: mrrestad Finished assignments and assessments for act 2. (see Feb. 5)
Watched The Crucible Act 3 on your own: Password to access movie files is mrrestad |
February 2025