English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Discuss the following
Started chapter 5 in Great Gatsby. Read chapter 3 on our own. Did the following on a separate sheet of paper.
Audiofile for chapter 3 as read by a semi-creepy British dude. CHOOSE ONE
!!!AND!!! Created 2 Interpretive questions + 1 Evaluative question Finished Chatper 2.
Did the Gatsby Aphorism assignment. Don't forget, if you miss a day be sure to read outside of class. Started reading Gastby. Made it about 12 pages in.
Also of note: •Resumes and Cover Letters were due Monday •Huck Finn Edits - I start grading them today or tomorrow •ALL Missing assignments Due Wed. Jan. 4. No work after that will be accepted Started introducing Great Gastby and how/why we're going to read it. That's really all you need to know. Maybe watch this video. Finished and turned in Resumes and Cover Letters on Google Classroom.
Worked on Huck Finn essay corrections. Due Wednseday. Worked on resumes, cover letters, and Huck Finn essay revisions. Happy Friday.
Finished working on Resumes. When done, watch this video below and start working on your cover letter assignment listed in Google Classroom. Continued working on our resumes. Used the verbs below to help improve our descriptions of work and activity experioence to be more accurate and impressive. Read the Resume and Cover Letter Assignment Started laying out our resumes. Not sure where to start or what to input? Check out the vid below. Reviewed 10 different resumes.
Started collecting information for our own resumes using this "Resume Foundations" worksheet. |
February 2025