English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Finished Huck Finn Chapter 1-8 analysis questions, and turned in on Google Classroom.
Started the Huck Finn "Quote Catcher" assignment to help start building evidence for our essays. Huck Finn reading For the week: Be through chapter 19 by Friday. Read Chatper X aloud
ASSIGNMENT Huck Finn – Chapter 1-10 assessment questions Choose three of the four to answer. Remember, answer these questions in about 3-4 sentences and be sure to use references to the text.
SSR with Huck Finn. Be through chapter 8 by tomorrow
Finished Google Classroom Quote Opinion response ASSIGNMENT Huck Finn Essay Prompt Explication Explicated this following quote by Mark Twain about his book Huck Finn “It is a novel where a sound heart and a deformed conscience come into collision and conscience suffers defeat. The conscience – that unerring monitor—can be trained to any wild thing you want it to approve.” Then defined the following verbs
Handed out our Huck Finn Essay prompts to be used to guide reading the rest of the novel. SSR with Huck Finn (~20 min)
Worked on Huck Finn Opinion writing assignment in Google Classroom. Read chapter 1 and 2 of Huck Finn aloud.
Weekly Reading Schedule:
Passed out Huck Finn books. See Mr. Restad if you missed today.
Discussed "derogatory epithets," why they are harmful and why they are used. Gave "Historical Context" presentations in class.
If you were gone, to make up this assignment you will need to finish your slide on your own without your group and come in to present your information + your citation to Mr. Restad. Be sure to turn slideshows in to Google Classroom as well. Began researching some historical context leading in to the time period of Huck Finn.
ASSIGNMENT Research your topic with your group (posted in Google Classroom) Find 2 sources (beyond Wikipedia) Create and share a Google Slide between your group members Create 1 title slide with topic and member names, 1 slide per partner, and 1 works cited slide (using MLA format) Select and create slides ONLY the most important information about your topic as it relates to the culture of the mid 1800's. You've got about 1-2 minutes to present to the class. Keep it short and select the best info. SSR.
Held discussion over racism and prejudice. What these are and maybe where they come from. Work day. Finished outlines. Typed essays.
Students will have ~15 minutes to prepare to print essays before peer editing tomorrow. DUE THURSDAY: Outline and retyped essay ready for peer and self editing.
For today we continued working on outlines built from our rough drafts. See below for notes. ¤HOOK/INTRODUCTION OF TOPIC
PSYCH! The in class essay was actually just a rough draft of a final, more polished 5-paragraph essay we're going to work on for the next few days. For today, we reviewed our rough draft BODY PARAGRAPHS (ignoring our intros and conclusions for now) and built a backwards outline using the attached document. This allowed us the opportunity to make sure every paragraph had the following:
Mini-incentive day: caught up on any missing assignments and made sure to finish the in class essay from yesterday.
February 2025