English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
DO NOWS Learning intentions
Super fun English Exam! Just beat your pretest score.
If you were gone today, check in with Mr. Restad to find a time to make it up. A = 47, or improve by 10+ B = 40, or improve C = 33 D = 26 F = 25 or less DO NOWS Learning intentions
DO NOWS Learning intentions
abscond: leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid consequences
Mnemonic device: abscond to the pond! DO NOWS Learning intentions
encoding: the initial learning of information
Example: When I take notes, it helps me encode the information so it's easier for me to remember. DO NOWS Learning intentions
DO NOWS Learning intentions
![]() metacognition: the knowledge and regulation of one's own thinking processes Mnemonic device: I know about the "cogs" in my brain. DO NOWS Learning intentions
![]() metacognition: the knowledge and regulation of one's own thinking processes Mnemonic device: I know about the "cogs" in my brain. DO NOWS Learning intentions
Neuroplasticity: the ability of the brain to change its activity and structure
Example: Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, is a process that involves adaptive structural and functional changes to the brain. Mnemonic Device: Neuro=brain, lasticity = elastic. Brain stretchy. DO NOWS Learning intentions
omit: to leave or exclude
Example: You can omit the peppers from the chili if it's too hot. Mnemonic device: Omit the omelettes! I don't like omelettes, so I want to leave them out of breakfast. DO NOWS Learning intentions
February 2025