English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Read chapter 10 in Huck Finn aloud and discussed.
Rest of the period worked on correcting assignments, finishing assignments (such as the Quizlet set) and worked on the CH 1-8 analysis questions. Assignment Huck Finn Chapter 1-8 analysis questions SSR
Huck Finn Comprehension and Completion Assessment Huck Finn review as a class SSR
Be through chapter 8 in Huck Finn by tomorrow. Finish the mini-research project up on Google Classroom. Worked on Quizlet Vocab words
Began mini-research project.
Read Huck Finn. Discuss Morality:
Watched this video in preparation for some small group research projects. SSR - Remember, page 55 in Huck Finn by Friday. Skip chapters 3 and 9.
Complete the two assignments in Google Classroom
Started reading Huck Finn. Read chapter 1
Reading schedule below. DATE Oct. 28 (Fri) - Page 52 - Skip Ch. 3 and 9 (MR. Restad will read chapter 10 aloud) Nov. 4 (Fri) - Page 117 - Skip Ch. 14, 17, 18 Nov. 11 (Fri) - Page 163 - Skip Ch. 20 Nov. 17 (Thur) - Page 209 Nov. 27 (Mon) - Read only pages 284-294 If you're having trouble with the dialect, check out the audiobook here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmZuIStk8DY&index=3&list=PLFC19789B7D3955D6 If you ever forget your book, Mr. Restad has your back. Here's an online version you can access anywhere. Psych. The test wasn't a test. It was a rough draft for this assignment.
American Romanticism Essay Type up your rough draft. Edit it. And turn it in to turnitin.com. Good luck. Essay test tomorrow over the following prompt
Finish Yellow Wallpaper assignment from yesterday.
Read articles posted on Google Classroom in preparation for discussion tomorrow. Have at least 2 notes PER ARTICLE. (4 notes total. That's not too bad. ) Don't forget to bring treats or something to share if you want. SSR
Completed "The Yellow Wallpaper" Literary Technique assignment using our notes and quotes we collected while reading. When finished, began reading the two articles (or pick two if there are more than 2) posted in Google Classroom. While reading take notes on a note card, one side per article. Finished "The Yellow Wallpaper." Discussed the ending.
We will be writing a paragraph response using your notes and quotations about the story on Monday. |
February 2025