English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Finish assignments
SSR Filled out statement survey (attached below) and begin crafting our personal responses to one of the statements. These statements will be posted in Google Classroom for the purpose of a digital discussion to happen tomorrow.
Checked out SSR books from the library. Completed personal survey then worked on one of the following:
Finished working on Resumes and Cover letters. Turned finished documents and submitted them to their respective assignments in classroom.google.com Still having trouble writing cover letters? Check out the video below. Assignment: Due Tuesday end of class Finished resume and turned in on Google Classroom. Write a cover letter for yourself as an introduction of yourself and your resume to the company you are hypothetically applying for. See Google Classroom for more details, job descriptions (or you can find your own), other resources. Sample cover letter and business letter format listed below. STYLE AND FORMATTING GUIDE FOR COVER LETTERS
Assignment Using the brainstorm of ideas from yesterday, complete the assignment "Resume Creation" in classroom.google.com. Resources: Monster.com "Top 10 resume mistakes to avoid" Resume building blocks
Respond to the question posted in Google Classroom with a brainstormed list of the following items. See Mr. Restad for access codes. Assignment
Read the following article and write a one paragraph (4-5 sentence) objective summary. http://today.duke.edu/2006/03/homework.html notes for objective summary Use the author’s name. What topics are covered? What is the point of this article? What are the main arguments? Does it offer any solutions? Basically, If someone asked what this article is about, what would you say? Keep it simple and focus only on the facts of what's presented in the article. Keep all of your opinions on hold. 40 minute work day: finish book, study for essay test tomorrow, or finish project. Attached is a study guide that may be used on the essay test.
Finishing The Great Gatsby and then working on our final project or test prep. Put in work these last few days. Test is Wednesday. Below is attached a study guide for the test that you may use on Wednesday if you fill it out.
Read chapter 7 independently.
UPDATE ON FINAL PROJECT: Students may either (1) Complete the final project listed in the earlier post by Tuesday at 3:15. Students who do this will not have to take part in the essay final. OR (2) Take part in an essay final on Wednesday. Read chapter 7, looking for moments of symmetry.
How symmetry appears in books: •Opposites (character) – e.g. Demetrius and Lysander, Tom and Gatsby •Scenes – similarly structured actions •Theme/motif – parties, cars Huck Finn Essay conferences.
Read chapter 6 of Great Gatsby in class. Ignore the Juxtaposition and Symmetry assignment from yesterday. Cool stuff if you want to check it out, but we just won't have the time to finish. |
November 2024