English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Work on Narrative Project
Catcher SSR
Group project on the depression and help of Holden Caufield. Complete the assignment on your own if you were gone. Catcher SSR
Then answer 2 of the following questions Catcher in the Rye – Character responses (chapters 16-21) Respond to the following prompts in full paragraphs (topic sentences, evidence from the story, interpretation of that evidence).
Small group discussions about the following characters and their relation to Holden. SSR with Catcher
Took group Socractive Quiz Went over our last grammar lesson. #11 Colons and Quotations. Read chapter 16 aloud.
Catcher in the Rye – Character responses (chapters 16-21) Respond to the following prompts in full paragraphs (topic sentences, evidence from the story, interpretation of that evidence).
Complete Grammar #10: Colons
Finished our graphic organizers and began working on our free-write drafts of our personal narratives. Personal Narrative Brainstorm
Read in Catcher in the Rye
Discussed what makes Holden unreliable and completed this chart in small groups. Complete the chart on your own if you were gone. Finished assignment from yesterday. Read and discussed chapters 9 and 10 in class.
If you ever forget your book and need to read, here is a pdf of Catcher in the Rye.
Try this audio book for Catcher in the Rye. Not the best, but better than nothing. Continued reading in Catcher. Should be through chapter 7. Then, we responded to these questions about the exposition of the story. Those are due Tuesday.
Also in class we discussed: Style is the way writing fits the specific context, purpose, or audience. Word choice (diction), sentence fluency (syntax), and the writer's voice — all contribute to the style of a piece of writing. |
November 2024