English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
PERIOD 2,3 Read chapter 3 in class. ASSIGNMENT
PERIOD 4 Mr. Restad read chapter 4 aloud. Read chapter 2, created 2 interpretive questions and 1 evaluative question. Discussed.
PERIOD 3 ONLY - Answer the following questions in full sentences. The Great Gatsby – Chapter 2-3 assessment questions Answer each question thoroughly:
Worked more on interpretive and evaluative questions.
Period 2, 3 started reading chapter 2 Period 4 Discussed chapter 2 Spent 15 more minutes on ACT essays: either grading our own or assessing a sample essay. Learned about Interpretive and Evaluative questions. Read chapter 2 in Gatsby and created 2 interpretive questions and 1 evaluative question as an assignment for the chapter. Finished chapter 1 in Great Gatsby.
Worked on analyzing our ACT writes from Monday. See Mr. Restad if you were gone. We learned about semi-colons and coordinate adjectives. Check out the video below if you missed today and then complete the noredink.com assignment: "Unit 3 - Coordinate Adjectives, Semicolons" (NOTE! There are two practice sets in the assignment. Do both.) Started reading the Great Gatsby.
If you missed used the link below and start reading. We made it about 1/2 through the first chapter. GREAT GATSBY ONLINE BOOK We started preparing for an ACT test style write (40 minute, timed essay). Check out the video and notes below to help prepare you for Monday's in-class essay. Grammar day! Lists and colons.
Check out noredink and use the lessons supplied in the "Unit 2 - Lists" assignment. Discussed using proper and active verbs in our resumes. Check out this site for more:
www.monster.com/career-advice/article/powerful-resume-action-verbs-0317 Last day in class to work on resumes. They are due Monday. Began looking at resumes and started brainstorming ideas for our own including:
February 2025