English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Finished graphic organizers and outlines. Wrote intros for the Huck Finn Essay Missed today? Watch the video below Worked on finishing your working thesis, graphic organizers, and started our digital outlines (on the document made for you in Google Classroom)
Check out the video below and keep working on your thesis (that we started on Friday) and supporting ideas for our essays. SSR with Huck Finn.
Finish Noredink.com assignment (passcode in Google Classroom) Finish an missing Huck Finn analysis questions. Read in Huck Finn. Finish chapter 31 by Monday. Started developing a thesis for our essay. Watch this video then check with Mr. Restad on Monday to grab a few essay organizers. Worked more on Independent and Dependent clauses and how they affect punctuation.
ASSIGNMENT on noredink.com. Log in with the class code posted in Google Classroom Complete the assignment practice: Unit 1 - Phrases and Clauses. Reviewed Huck Finn using a map of his travels and events.
If you missed, be sure to grab a map from Mr. Restad in class. Read in Huck Finn. Be through chapter 31 on Friday.
Finished 21-25 analysis questions. Finished colonel Sherburn speech close reading. Looked at any missing assignments. Huck Finn SSR.
Kahoot review over chapters 21-25, then Huck Finn CH 20-24 Analysis Questions being sure to use full, complete paragraphs. SSR with Huck Finn.
Read the this article and discussed it's connection to Colonel Sherburn of chapters 21 and 22. Worked on Colonel Sherburn Speech Close Reading (GC) If you missed, you need to know the information listed in these videos about Independent and Dependent Clauses and Compound and Complex Sentences.
Read pages 141-147 aloud - The Colonel Sherburn/Boggs episode.
ASSIGNMENT Began working on Colonel Sherburn Speech Close Reading |
February 2025