English III Blog
Mr. Restad keeps this page up to date
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
so you can check what we did while you were gone... or asleep.
Worked on Huck Finn reading guide. Handed them in at the end of the period.
Discussed end of the novel. Grammar test. See Mr. Restad if you missed.
Be through chapter 31 by tomorrow. Reading packet also due tomorrow. Read in Huck Finn
Studied for Grammar Test. Test on Thursday... if we use class-time wisely. Sample questions ▪What does a coordinating conjunction do. List 3 coordinating conjunctions. ▪Identify IND and DEP clauses. Add punctuation if necessary: When Kim drove to lunch her friends buckled up held hands and prayed for safe passage to Taco Bell. ▪The basketball season just began, so it will be fun to cheer on the Broncs soon. A.No change B.began; so C.began so D.began; therefore GRAMMAR RULES TO KNOW –Rule 1: Independent clauses and commas –Rule 2: Dependent/Introductory clauses –Rule 3-4: Essential/nonessential Clauses –Rule 5: Lists and Parallel Structure –Rule 6: Coordinate Adjectives –Rule 8: Semicolons and Independent Clauses –Rule 9: Semicolons in lists –Rule 10: Colons for clarification –Rule 12: Dashes Read in Huck Finn. Be through chapter 31 by Friday. Also, your reading guide packets will be due by the end of class on Friday.
Went over 2 new rules
Prepped for Grammar test Thursday.
Read in Huck Finn.
Assignment: Colonel Sherburn's Speech - On Google Classroom Read in Huck Finn.
Section 3: pp. 157-218, due next Friday, Nov. 30 For today Read the story of Boggs and Colonel (pp 141-147 ) If finished with chapter 19, we discussed section two of the Huck Finn Reading guide.
Students are responsible for ALL sections of the guide which are to be turned in on Friday the 30th of November. Read in Huck Finn. Be through chapter 19 by tomorrow. Skip chapters 17 and 18,
Reviewed Huck Finn via Haiku. Make sure to finish Albert. Read in Huck Finn
Finished Semicolons Orange sheets: Finished Albert assignment posted in Google Classroom: Rule #8: Semicolons Partnered up and taught each other the "2 Rules of Semicolons"
Completed orange sheets 8 and 9. Albert assignment posted on Google Classroom. Finished giving presentations over the Thesis Writing and Textual Evidence assignment. If you did not present today, you'll have to come in on your own time and present to Mr. Restad.
Continued reading in Huck Finn. Read chapter 10 aloud, summarized chapter 11, and began on chapter 12. You are to be through chapter 19 by Friday, skipping chapters 17-18. Be sure to be filling out the reading guide as you go along and look for quotes. Began working on the Huck Finn reading guide as a class.
Be sure to see Mr. Restad if you were gone today. Finished project started on Tuesday.
Make sure you...
Then read THROUGH chapter 8 in Huck Finn, BY TOMORROW be sure to bring to class one quote from chapter 8 that shows Huck's moral character and an explanation why. Continued working on yesterday's assignment, Went over thesis
Make sure your thesis is:
February 2025